Sunday, November 16, 2008

Destiny - a dumping ground for all failures and setbacks ?

Whenever things don’t work out, people often blame their Destiny. How true is it?

How often do we think about destiny when things work out well ? – Hardly. How often do we take refuge in destiny when things go sour ? – Mostly. Now do you observe a distinct pattern of thinking here ? We need to understand that this PATTERN has nothing to do with destiny being there or not. And you have complete freedom in shifting this pattern. When things go sour, this pattern “automatically” sways toward taking refuge in destiny, without any conscious intervention from your side. Your will is not required to do this. This sway toward making destiny a scapegoat for all setbacks, is what the mind, conditioned by an unconscious past, is programmed to do.

There is pain in each of us hidden in the form of our unconscious past. This unconscious past is what conditions the mind. It is this pain that finds expression in the form of anger, hatred and jealousy. The seeds of anger, hatred and jealousy are all within us. The external situation or person is just a trigger that sprouts the seed. This pain needs to be processed to free the mind which can result in the clarity happening. And what it takes to process this pain is also inbuilt within us. This is where your free will plays a crucial role, in turning the sway from “automated responses” to situations in life, to conscious ones. The whole purpose of one’s life (or the spiritual journey) is to ventilate this unconscious past thru our inbuilt mechanism, which frees you from your sense of limitedness.

Destiny is not anti-growth. Destiny gives you a field of some good, some bad and some ugly events so that you can observe, learn, filter and glean wisdom from these experiences. Mere experiences in life need not automatically translate into wisdom. I can live to be ninety and may have achieved and experienced a lot in life and still may not have gleaned enough wisdom from my experiences. This field is required to jolt us out of our reverie of getting lost in personalizing these experiences. Are you the experience or the one who is experiencing ? Are you the situation or the dealer of the situation ? If I’m sure that I’m not the experience but the dealer of the situation, then can I not use my will consciously, to deflect the “automatic response” which would have swayed me from getting drowned in the experience to – looking at the situation as apart from me and observing it. Then being human, after giving my self some amount of space and time to compose my self after the setback, (If I continue to see my self as the dealer of the situation and not once again get "drowned" in the experience) can I not detach (objectify) my self from the experience in due course of time ? Mind you detachment does not mean negating the experience. It means I played a role in that experience but now I’m above (transcended) that experience. I have let-go of that experience and moved on. Letting-go again, does not mean forgetting that experience. It means I have developed enough strength and wisdom to not let it affect me anymore. Now, I’m able to see life with more depth on a bigger canvas and this gives me a breather and some space to move on to the next milestone with awareness.

As you continue to expand your vision of life, You’ll be surprised to see how help comes your way in so many different ways. Much later, you will also see that this help had always been there even before you realized it, only you were so blinded living in the projected world of your mind, that you had not raised your frequency or vision to be able to see the help available around you. You see that you can now objectify not only the bad experiences of life but also the good ones. You can see that even a good experience is just an experience in which you played a role. If the “goodness” of that experience was absolute then why doesn’t it last ? The “goodness” is also as relative as the bad experience. In fact now one can deduce that the degree of “goodness” or “badness” that one goes thru after an experience, is proportionate to the degree of attachment one had to that experience. And this degree varies from person to person and from one experience to another. Hence you find two people who may love and respect each other very much, at complete variance in their responses to the same event.

This kind of conscious analysis with awareness, can become a very powerful tool leading you toward the ultimate Truth. So it is important to understand that if you truly desire to know your self and understand the purpose of life, you need to invest in some amount of time, effort, patience, trust and courage. And if you’re ready to do this you need not worry about what destiny has in store for you. If you dare to do your homework of objectifying (see yourself as apart from the experiences) all experiences of life, let destiny do its job, you do your’s. Both sub-serve each other. Remember, the most important person in life is YOU.

Love and Wishes,

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