Monday, September 15, 2008

Games the mind plays

You spend an entire lifetime pandering to endless desires which, actually is a need to unite with your own self. The very reason of feeling restless and a sense of incompleteness even after satisfying hundreds of desires is BECAUSE liberation is already known and tasted before, and you unknowingly yearn to re-unite with that state.

The fact that this self is already liberated, fearless of death of the body, detached and completely insulated from the ups and downs of life, is full of joy and completely in charge of your life and centered in even the most tough situations of life – is obscured. The medium for this blurred vision is the (conditioned) mind. This powerful self is completely remote-controlled by the mind. That I’m completely eclipsed by the mind I’m not aware of and when I identify myself with it (the mind), I live a life like “the tail wagging the dog”. A wonderful possibility missed. If one does not crack through this physical dimension and realize this truth about one’s self, one may end up passing any number of lifetimes living like an accidental person.

Just like when there’s a boot virus in a computer, every time the machine is booted the virus takes charge and does its own thing completely obscuring the normal operation of the machine. Only when the machine is shut down the virus cannot operate but nor can the other uninfected software.

Similarly, in your conscious state the mind is completely in charge of your life. It channels most of your thought processes to the future or to past experiences. Its main objective is to jerk you out of the present by keeping you very busy not just all the time but overtime right thru your entire conscious state. So that even when you wake up, you’re already in a “pending” mode to do things and you start the day with some guilt and haste. Even momentarily if you’re in the present i.e., when this liberated self is in control of the mind, it (the mind) immediately senses a threat and propels you to the future by reminding you of a dozen things that are “still pending”, dangles a carrot for some new desire, deluding you that you truly “deserve” it or just anything that can suck you out of the present. This liberated self has been covered with too many chains hooked to your heart for far too long (several lifetimes) and you’re so tied down with this weight that you simply unknowingly follow your mind completely unaware that you’re identifying your self with this mind and giving it a genuine stamp.

When you’re asleep or unconscious, is the only time when the mind is not there but nor is your wakeful self, which is required to realize this truth about your self. And the moment you wake up, the conditioned mind takes over just like the boot virus and you continue to live a “duplicate” life completely oblivious of your true potential.

Momentarily at times the liberated self does take charge when you’re creative, empathic, introspective, joyful and at such times you’re totally satisfied with the simple needs of life. But these moments get drowned by the overpowering mind which reminds you of an unfulfilled desire and drugging you into a state of feeling incomplete without satisfying that desire and what’s worse is you actually believe you’ll feel complete only after satisfying this desire, without realizing you’re simply pandering to endless desires sprung by the mind.

You can never beat the mind at logic. In fact the boot virus in a computer is far better than games played by the mind because at least if the boot virus had not been there you know what the uninfected program is supposed to do which is why you recognize the existence of a virus. But in case of the mind, we’re born with it. So if we were consciously aware of our liberated selves and in charge of our lives and completely in control of the mind, how drastically different our lives would have been, is completely obscured. And we continue playing games unknowingly.

Love and wishes,


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