Monday, September 15, 2008

Tune in to Nature’s frequency

Just as we can tune in to different frequencies through the radio, catering to different tastes, even in life we have frequencies we can tune into. If the availability and choice of these frequencies is not recognized, then life remains tuned in at a default frequency, set at birth, which is programmed to keep dangling carrots at you and make you run after them, mostly wasting life’s vital energies for what it was not meant, every time convincing you that this is the last and the ultimate carrot. Like what James Cohen has said, “ …. …. You live a life like you’ll never die and die like you’ve never lived”.

The important thing to understand is that you can customize the default setting of this frequency. The most powerful frequency on Earth, (let’s call this “content” frequency), which if tuned to, suddenly sets you FREE … … … Free of the roller coaster rides of ups and downs in life, sets you out of the cage, re-connects you CONSCIOUSLY to another dimension which is boundless and all encompassing. Just with this connection the physical dimension of life becomes clear. The “I” stands unmasked. Anyone can tune in to this frequency anytime. It’s a matter of will and trust.

There are only two obstacles one needs to overcome to match this frequency. Firstly, all the other frequencies (let’s call these “form” frequencies), are outwardly so much more beautiful, attractive, technologically advanced, catering to quick fixing problems in peoples’ lives, that most people are not even aware of this powerful “content” frequency, which seems ancient in comparison. The “form” frequencies have fantastic forms and the programs they belt out are produced, designed and directed by people who’re entirely driven and mesmerized by forms.

Secondly, the “content” frequency can be caught only when one is thoroughly fed up of the form frequencies and realize their limitation of being impermanent. One must get so fed up and sick of the forms that the mind now goes thru a sanitization process (antahkarna shuddhi). It must become absolutely devoid of the form frequency. So much so that even if there’s a trace of any (hope of permanent happiness from) form, the content frequency will be missed, because it is so subtle. Only when your mind is 100% sterilized against “forms”, you are for the first time knocking at doors and not walls. There is a slight “gap” or neutral gear when you reach this point. No sooner this happens, you’re simply sucked into the gravitational pull by the “content” frequency without any intervention from your side. You simply “slip” into a gear which is absolutely bliss.

Once you’re tuned to the “content” frequency, you’ll realize it is life sustaining and let’s you live in sync with nature and gives advise for the asking , profound messages which have a direct impact on the quality of your life. Now when you look back at your “association” with the “form” frequency, you’ll realize you never had even an iota of an idea of what this life on Earth was really meant for.

When you’re tuned in to the “form” frequency, your energies run on diesel where as you don’t need any energy to remain tuned in to the “content” frequency because it is omnipresent and is all the time available 24 X 7 online, if only you wish to match with it, and your life’s radio is your mind.

Love and wishes,


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